Groep die lasergame speelt

Laser Tag

Aloha invested in brand new laser suits at the start of 2022. Furthermore, extra obstacles and light effects were added to the most impressive laser tag arena in the Greater Amsterdam area. The arena is 400 m2 (4300 ft2) in size, making it possible for up to 20 people to simultaneously compete in the arena (15 minutes incl. explanation). The “industrial underground bunker” theme comes into its own at this location under the bridge.

PLEASE NOTE: Aloha has 20 laser vests so there is a good chance that you will not enter the laser arena alone.

Minimum Height – 140cm (4’6”)

1 game Mon – Thu til 17:00 €9,75 p.p. Book here
1 game Mon – Thu
Fri – Sun
from 17:00
whole day
€11,00 p.p. Book here
2 games Mon – Thu til 17:00 €16,00 p.p. Book here
2 games Mon – Thu
Fri – Sun
from 17:00
whole day
€19,50 p.p. Book here

Indoor laser gaming at Aloha

Indoor laser gaming at Aloha takes place in an “underground bunker” theme, which comes into its own at this location under the bridge of the Piet Heinkade. You enter the briefing room along a beautiful tropical painted corridor. Once inside the jungle is clearly reclaiming the man-made industrial construction.

Make a reservation for laser gaming in Amsterdam

You can either book a single or else a double round of laser gun game in Amsterdam via the button below. Will we see you soon?

How do you play laser tag?

You can play laser shooting game at Aloha in two formats; individual “All-vs-All” and the “Team vs Team” edition. In both you challenge your adversaries to a dual of the extreme!

  • You will be given a special laser suit with a laser pistol. An infrared beam shoots out of your gun.
  • The suit and gun contain several sensors that respond when hit by a laser beam.
  • If you are hit, you or your team receive negative points and the lights go out for 5 seconds.
  • Then you’ve got to hide again quickly.
  • If you hit someone on the target, you or your team get points.
  • At the end of the game, the person or team with the highest score is the winner!

TIP: Do not wear white or neon colored clothing – it’s very noticeable under the UV lights in the arena and you’ll be an easy target for your opponents!